October 27, 2023

Teams PowerTools Client Language Handling

I have improved how to support the use of a different Teams Client language than English.

Implementation Change

The language configuration was extracted from the code to the PowerTools.ini settings file.
It makes it much easier to adapt the PowerTools to your language, without having to edit the code.
Also the language dependency is clearly identifiable.

The main function/ handling is the done in the code with the functions Teams_GetLangName()

See example for the Mute functionality in the Teams_Mute function:


You need to download and setup the PowerTools.ini file.

Only the element in the PowerTools.ini file [Teams] section TeamsLangNames properties need to be filled to get the Teams PowerTools running for your specific client language setting.

You can use an online Json validator to setup the Json setting string like https://jsonlint.com/

In the ini file, the json string has to be compressed i.e. without line breaks.

You can use the UIAViewer available in the ahk GitHub repository to get the Name of the UI Elements - as demonstrated in the linked video of this previous post.


You will get an error if your client uses a language different than English and it wasn't configured in the ini file properly.

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