I explain in this post how to extend or modify the Teams PowerTool to support Teams Client in another language than English.
Language specific implementation
You can identify the language specific implementation in the code by looking for occurence of the command
How to extend for your language
An example for the Mute function of implementation making use of the Teams_GetLang() function explained in a previous post:
Lang := Teams_GetLang()
Switch Lang
;Case "DE-DE":
MuteName := "Mute"
UnmuteName := "Unmute"
El := TeamsEl.FindFirstByNameAndType(MuteName, "button",,2)
If El {
If (State = 0) {
Tooltip("Teams Mic is alreay on.")
} Else {
Tooltip("Teams Mute Mic...")
El := TeamsEl.FindFirstByNameAndType(UnmuteName, "button",,2)
If (State = 1) {
Tooltip("Teams Mic is alreay off.")
} Else {
Tooltip("Teams Unmute Mic...")
To get the Name of the UI Element, I recommend to use Microsoft Accessibility Insights or the UIAViewer provided by Descolada with his UIAutomation Librabry:
N.B.: You need also to adapt the Teams_GetMeetingWindow() to your specific language,
See in the YouTube video how you can do it.
Example for de-de language is implemented in https://github.com/tdalon/ahk/blob/main/Lib/Teams.ahk .
; does not return true on Share / Call in progress window
; If Meeting Reactions Submenus are opened AutomationId are not visible.
Lang := Teams_GetLang()
Switch Lang
Case "de-de":
CallingControlsName := "Besprechungssteuerung"
ResumeName := "Fortsetzen"
Case "en-US":
CallingControlsName := "Calling controls"
ResumeName := "Resume"
CallingControlsName := "Calling controls"
ResumeName := "Resume"
If TeamsEl.FindFirstByName(CallingControlsName) {
;or TeamsEl.FindFirstBy("AutomationId=meeting-apps-add-btn") or TeamsEl.FindFirstBy("AutomationId=hangup-btn") or TeamsEl.FindFirstByName("Applause"))
If (ExOnHold) { ; exclude On Hold meeting windows
If TeamsEl.FindFirstByName(ResumeName) ; Exclude On-hold meetings with Resume button ; TODO #lang specific
return false
return true
return false
} ; eofun
Special characters like ä, ü
For the German language I have stumbled upon the issue that names can use special characters like ä,ü
Example for the Meeting reactions Überracht (Surprised) and Gefällt mir (Like)
To get these characters to work, you need to save the ahk file explictly in "UTF-8 with BOM" instead of UTF format.
You can do this with Notepad.