April 12, 2021

Teams Shortcuts: Mute on/ off

I explain in this post how you can implement a shortcut for the mute functionality for Microsoft Teams that not only toggle but set the wished mute state. It is implemented with AutoHotkey and makes use of the UIAutomation Library.


PowerTools  Usage

Keywords in Teamsy Launcher:

Keywords Action
mu Toggle Mute state
mu+, mu on Mute
mu-, mu off Unmute

You can also assign a global hotkey to it in the TeamsShortcuts PowerTool.

The Tray icon will be changed to a red or green mic for a few seconds.
A tooltip is also displays at the mouse cursor position for a few seconds.


It detects the Mic Status by looking for the name of the UI Element with the AutomationId=microphone-button.
In English the names start with Mute (if not muted) and Unmute (if muted)
The implementation is language specific. Therefore if you use another language than English for your Teams Client you might need to follow Teams PowerTools Client Language Handling

Code Extract below:

See also

Teams Shortcuts for Push-To-Talk (with the Mouse)

Teams PowerTools Client Language Handling

Teams Global Hotkeys - PowerTools

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