Today I wanted to quickly search for videos inside a specific YouTube Channel.
The prominent search bar would search in whole YouTube. The search for the channel only is a bit hidden.
I share here how I have implemented a Quick Search functionality in the NWS PowerTool based on AutoHotkey.
This is more a on the fly implementation recording post.
Problem Description
The search in a channel in YouTube is a bit hidden. See the search icon on the bottom right on the picture below: this is where you have to click to search in the channel.
Moreover it is not so convenient to refine a search.
Implementation Recording
Lessons Learned
RegExp handling:
for OR group with (?: |) (not [])
escape . and ? with \
Final Implementation
This is implemented in the NWS.ahk file.-> QuickSearch function.Else If RegExMatch(sUrl,"youtube\.com/(?:c|channel)/") { ; YouTube Channel Search
sPat = youtube\.com/(?:c|channel)/([^/]*)/search\?query=(.*)
sDefSearch =
If RegExMatch(sUrl,sPat, sMatch) {
sDefSearch := StrReplace(sMatch2,"%20"," ")
sDefSearch := StrReplace(sDefSearch,"+"," ")
sChannelName := sMatch1
} Else {
sPat = youtube\.com/(?:c|channel)/([^/]*)
RegExMatch(sUrl,sPat, sMatch)
sChannelName := sMatch1
InputBox, sSearch , YouTube Channel Search, Enter search string:,,640,125,,,,, %sDefSearch%
if ErrorLevel
sSearch := Trim(sSearch)
sSearchUrl =
SendInput ^t^l ; close current search window
SendInput {Enter}
SendInput ^{Tab}
Sleep 500
SendInput ^w
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