I explain in this post how to get links to Microsoft Teams Group or Meeting chat and how to store it as Favorites using the PowerTools or extract a link to be reused elsewhere for quick access.
Problem description
It is now not so easy to get a link to a Group Chat or Meeting Chat for Microsoft Teams.
The former solution (to get the link in the Browser) does not work anymore since the Url in the address bar while opening Teams in the Web Browser does not point to the current element anymore.
Get a link to a/any message in the chat
The link looks like: like: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/message/19:meeting_MjA0MWRkYjMtNTE5Ny00MzZjLTkxMTUtNWQ1YWZlMTIxMmRj@thread.v2/1729167158439?context=%7B%22contextType%22%3A%22chat%22%7D
To convert it to a link to the containing chat:
- * replace /l/message/ by /l/chat/
- end the link after @thread.v2/
In the example the related chat link is: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/19:meeting_MjA0MWRkYjMtNTE5Ny00MzZjLTkxMTUtNWQ1YWZlMTIxMmRj@thread.v2/
This is implemented in the Teams_Link2Fav function in the Teams Library and the Teams_Link2Chat function.
; For Message Link, choose if you want to link to the message or the containing Chat
If (RegExMatch(sUrl,"(https|msteams)://teams\.microsoft\.com/l/message/(.*)@thread\.v2/",sMatch)) {
; https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19:c1471a18bae04cf692b8da7e9738df3e@thread.skype/conversations?groupId=56bc81d8-db27-487c-8e4f-8d5ea9058663&tenantId=xxx
OnMessage(0x44, "OnTeamsLinkTypeMessageMsgBox")
MsgBox 0x24, Message Link, Select to what you want to link:
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox, No
sUrl := StrReplace(sMatch,"/l/message/","/l/chat/")
Teams_Link2Chat(sUrl:="") {; Convert a message link to a link to the parent group chat
If (sUrl="") { sUrlClip := Clipboard}If (RegExMatch(sUrlClip,"(https|msteams)://teams\.microsoft\.com/l/message/(.*)@thread\.v2/",sMatch)) { sUrlClip := StrReplace(sMatch,"/l/message/","/l/chat/")}
If (sUrl="") { Clipboard := sUrlClip TrayTipAutoHide("Teams:Link2Cha!","Chat Link '" . sUrlClip . "' copied to the clipboard!") }return sUrlClip
} ;eofun
Teams_Link2Chat(sUrl:="") {
; Convert a message link to a link to the parent group chat
If (sUrl="") {
sUrlClip := Clipboard
If (RegExMatch(sUrlClip,"(https|msteams)://teams\.microsoft\.com/l/message/(.*)@thread\.v2/",sMatch)) {
sUrlClip := StrReplace(sMatch,"/l/message/","/l/chat/")
If (sUrl="") {
Clipboard := sUrlClip
TrayTipAutoHide("Teams:Link2Cha!","Chat Link '" . sUrlClip . "' copied to the clipboard!")
return sUrlClip
} ;eofun
Same usage as explained in the previous post.In case now that you want to add a favorites to a Teams message, you will be prompted if you want to keep the link to the message or convert it to a link to the parent chat.
You can also use the 'l' keyword in the Launcher to run the Teams_Link2Chat function.
Copy the message link to the clipboard before.
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