July 6, 2023

Confluence: Personalize Mentions

I share here a way to personalize mentions in Confluence with Autohotkey.

Problem Description

In Confluence when you mention someone (partucaliarly useful when assigning Tasks in Confluence), the name displayed in the mention part, may look pretty cluttered e.g. containing your company name which is most of the time redundant for internal documentation.

Example of Confluence mention format: Lastname, Firstname (companyname)

If you use mentions in a Table it might take a lot of place for not much.

Moreover you might have/prefer a Call me by my firstname approach.

Manual tweaking

You can still edit how the mention is displayed by navigating with your cursor (Left arrow) and deleting some part with Backspace.

Here my prefer way for a format like Lastname, Firstname (companyname) is following:

Press Ctrl and Shift and keep the key down.
Press the Left arrow till the cursor arrives to the opening bracket.
Hit Backspace twice.

This will transform the mention display name to Lastname, Firstname i.e. remove the Company part.

Press Ctrl down and Left arrow (to jump to the left of the Firstname)
Press Backspace twice (to remove the Lastname, part)

You will now only have @Firstname as mention displayed.

AutoHotkey Implementation

Of course AutoHotkey is dedicated to automate such keystrokes.

The code I use looks like this:

Note the part to remove the company is going step by step till it finds the opening bracket ( , because the company name might have multiple words.

I need to Press the Ctrl key up so that I can get the Clipboard value with Ctrl+C.

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