February 22, 2023

How to get Url from OneDrive/ SharePoint file sync location? (improved)

In a previous post, I have described how to get the url from a sync onedrive file location, but the solution wasn't perfect and needed user intervention to correct the path in case a subfolder was sync'ed (instead of the root level of the document library).

Solution 1 using temporary Excel files


The workaround to get the right sync url is to create a temporary Excel file at the sync location and let evaluate the formula:

Credit implementation idea @guwidoe

AutoHotkey script

This is implemented in the ahk/Lib/SharePoint.ahk -> SharePoint_UpdateSync()

; SharePoint_UpdateSync()
; Update SPSync.ini file creating temporary Excel files in each sync directory

sIniFile := SharePoint_GetSyncIniFile()
FileRead, IniContent, %sIniFile%

oExcel := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application")
oExcel.Visible := False ; DBG
oExcel.DisplayAlerts := false

Loop, Reg, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SyncEngines\Providers\OneDrive, K
    RegRead MountPoint, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SyncEngines\Providers\OneDrive\%A_LoopRegName%, MountPoint
    MountPoint := StrReplace(MountPoint,"\\","\")

    ; Exclude Personal OneDrive
    If InStr(MountPoint,"\OneDrive -")

    FoundPos := InStr(MountPoint, "\" , , -1)
    sOneDriveDir = SubStr(MountPoint,1,FoundPos-1)  

    If InStr(IniContent,MountPoint . A_Tab) ; already mapped
    xlFile := MountPoint . "\SPsync.xlsx"
    ; Create Excel file under MountPoint
    xlWorkbook := oExcel.Workbooks.Add ;add a new workbook
    oSheet := oExcel.ActiveSheet
    oSheet.Range("A1").Formula := "=CELL(""filename"")" ; escape quotes

    ; Save Workbook https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.workbook.saveas
    Try ; sometimes return error "Enable to get the SaveAs property" but still work
        xlWorkbook.SaveAs(xlFile,xlWorkbookDefault := 51)
    ; Calculate Formula

    ; Get value
    UrlNamespace := oSheet.Range("A1").Value
    ;Find last /
    UrlNamespace := SubStr(UrlNamespace,1,FoundPos-1)
    ; Delete temp file
    FileDelete, %xlFile%

    If (UrlNamespace = "") {
        sTrayTip := "Error in getting url path for synced location '" . MountPoint . "'!"
        TrayTip Check Mapping in SPsync.ini! , %sTrayTip%,,0x2
        Run "%sIniFile%"
    FileAppend, %MountPoint%%A_Tab%%UrlNamespace%`n, %sIniFile%

} ; end Loop

N.B.: To get oSheet.Recalculate to work you have to set the Range Dirty. (Thanks GWD)

This solution requires creating and deleting temporary Excel files but works quite reliably.

Alternative Solution based on VBA macro


It relies on a preset macro-enabled SPSyncIni.xlsm file that includes this VBA library mentioned here.
The file also include a Table with a formula calling the GetWebPath function:

The AutoHotkey script simply fill the first column and let the second column be calculated.

AutoHotkey Script

Implemented in ahk/Lib/SharePoint.ahk -> SharePoint_UpdateSyncVBA()

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SharePoint_UpdateSyncVBA(xlFile := ""){
; SharePoint_UpdateSyncVBA()
; Update SPSync.ini file using SPSyncIni.xlsm with VBA code
; based on VBA macro: https://gist.github.com/guwidoe/6f0cbcd22850a360c623f235edd2dce2

If (xlFile = "") {
    xlFile := A_ScriptDir . "\SPSyncIni.xlsm"

oExcel := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application")
oExcel.Visible := True ; DBG
oExcel.DisplayAlerts := false

xlWorkbook := oExcel.Workbooks.Open(xlFile) ; Open xlFile
oSheet := oExcel.ActiveSheet
;oSheet.Range("A1").Formula := "=CELL(""filename"")" ; escape quotes

tbl := oSheet.ListObjects("SPSync")

; Reset Table - but keep formulas: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10220906/how-to-select-clear-table-contents-without-destroying-the-table
;    tbl.DataBodyRange.Delete
If (tbl.ListRows.Count >= 2)
    tbl.DataBodyRange.Offset(1, 0).Resize(tbl.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count - 1, tbl.DataBodyRange.Columns.Count).Delete

rowCounter := 0
Loop, Reg, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SyncEngines\Providers\OneDrive, K
    RegRead MountPoint, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SyncEngines\Providers\OneDrive\%A_LoopRegName%, MountPoint
    MountPoint := StrReplace(MountPoint,"\\","\")

    ; Exclude Personal OneDrive
    If InStr(MountPoint,"\OneDrive -")

    rowCounter := rowCounter + 1
    If rowCounter > 1 ; Create new row and paste formats and formula
        tbl.ListRows.Add ; Will copy previous row with same formatting and formulas

    tbl.DataBodyRange.Cells(rowCounter, 1).Value := MountPoint
    ; Takes pretty long for first evaluation  

} ; end Loop

; Save Workbook https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.workbook.saveas
; Save as CSV file
sCsvFile := StrReplace(xlFile,".xlsm",".csv")
FileDelete, %sCsvFile%
xlWorkbook.SaveAs(sCsvFile,xlCSV := 6)


; Convert CSV to ini file
sIniFile := A_ScriptDir . "\PowerTools.ini"
IniDelete, %sIniFile%, SPsync
FileRead, IniContent, %sCsvFile%
IniContent := StrReplace(IniContent,",","=")
IniContent := StrReplace(IniContent,"`r","")
; delete header line

IniWrite, %IniContent%, %sIniFile%, SPsync

;Run, "%sIniFile%"
FileDelete, %sCsvFile%

} ; eofun

Bottom Line

Drawback of this solution is that the first time the function is called, Excel takes quite a few seconds to get it calculated. (It looks like Excel is hanging.) I guess because behind the seen it is doing the mapping calculation.
Advantages of the approach is that you get all the mapping in one file and only call the Excel comobj interface for one file. Also you have no leftovers/temporary files to clean-up.

Still for reason of speed I prefer to use the first solution.

PowerTool usage

Once the mapping between sync'ed location and SharePoint url is stored in the SPSync.ini file, you can then conveniently convert a local path to a file in a OneDrive sync'ed location to its SharePoint url.

It is implemented in the SharePoint_Sync2Url function.

It is used mainly in the NWS PowerTool  IntelliPaste function:

Ctrl+C to copy the file in the File Explorer (Synced location).
Ins (IntelliPaste Hotkey) to IntelliPaste it:
it will paste a rich text link to the file SharePoint location (instead of the local path). You can choose also a breadcrumb format.
It is convenient to point explictly the reader to where the file is located. But note that such file links are not robust to file moving/ renaming (contrary to link generated via the Share or Copy link OneDrive menu.)

To trigger the update of the SPSync.ini file (e.g. if you have added or changed your sync'ed locations),  you can go in the NWS PowerTool System Tray icon menu under Settings-> IntelliPaste-> Update SharePoint Sync Ini

See also

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