February 17, 2021

LastPass to Bitwarden (Password manager transition)

LastPass will change its free plan (on March 16 2021) so you won't be able to use it both on mobile and PC.
This is the kick for me to switch to another Password Manager. (LastPass also got some critical security issues in the past). I have chosen as alternative Password manager Bitwarden, because it is open source and free and well recommended and meets my basic needs (browser extension+mobile access to vault).

The documentation how to move your LastPass Vault to Bitwarden is available here: https://bitwarden.com/help/article/import-from-lastpass/. I summarize here the steps to make the transition from Bitwarden to Lastpass.

Export LastPass

Open your LastPass Vault e.g. in the Browser.

Go to 'Advanced Options' (second entry from the bottom left) -> Export
LastPass Vault Export

You will be prompted to enter your master password. It will export to a .csv file. (You shall delete it permanently after having imported it in Bitwarden)

Import in Bitwarden

In Bitwarden, go to Tools-> Import Data
Select as format LastPass and choose the file you have previously exported from LastPass.

Import LastPass Vault into Bitwarden

Getting Started with Bitwarden

I recommend setting up the 2-step authentication. (I use Authy as Android app.)
Deleting folders won't delete the items in the folder.
When searching mind in which node you are. (Select All items)

Install the Bitwarden Browser extension and mobile app: https://bitwarden.com/download/

I will play with Bitwarden a bit and see if I then totally replace LastPass with it.

First point I preferred with the LastPass extension is that when filling a form, it will display over a LastPass icon right in the fill form to fill it. With Bitwarden you have to click on the extension icon on the top to fill the form, so it requires to move your mouse much more.
Alternatively you can use the context menu or hotkey (Default=Ctrl+Shift+L) to autofill. You can also Enable the Auto-Fill on Page Load in the extension Settings->Options.


Import from LastPass (Bitwarden Help)

Why You Should Switch From LastPass to Bitwarden's Password Manager (Lifehacker)

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