October 18, 2021

Teams Shortcuts support for browser/ app

I have updated the Teams Shortcuts PowerTool so that now it works also for Teams opened in the browser or a browser app.

I currently use a lot Teams in a specific browser app because I use multiple tenants.

Now I was missing Teams Shortcuts functionalities in it.

Many shortcuts are also implemented in the Browser Web version. So it shall be a low hanging fruit to extend the functionality.

New Teams_IsWinActive function

I have noticed now all Teams windows opened in the browser (or browser app) have the window title ending with " | Microsoft Teams".
So it was easy to check with a RegEx. (don't forget to escape the pipe)

It is also the only way because if you use a Teams Browser App it is not easy to access to the current URL (the address bar is not accessible).

; Check if Active window is Teams client or a Browser/App window with a Teams url opened
If WinActive("ahk_exe Teams.exe")
    return True
If WinActive("\| Microsoft Teams$")
    return True
return false

Update in Teams Shortcuts

I have then replaced in TeamsShortcuts.ahk

; ##########################   Hotkeys   ##########################################
;#IfWinActive,ahk_exe Teams.exe
#If Teams_IsWinActive()

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