May 10, 2021

Teams Pitfall: Flashing Taskbar

I have set my Windows Taskbar to auto-hide. (Settings -> Automatically hide the taskbar)
Now Microsoft Teams Client keeps flashing the Taskbar on new messages although I have reduced the notifications down to the minimum/ only to feed/ no banner.
This is super annoying i.e. an accessibility issue because I then can not access the screen covered by the flashing taskbar - until I have selected the Teams client window.

Problem description

I have set my Windows Taskbar to auto-hide. (Settings -> Automatically hide the taskbar)
Microsoft Teams Client keeps flashing the Taskbar on new messages although I have reduced the notifications down to the minimum i.e. only to feed/ no banner.
This is an accessibility issue because I then can not access the screen covered by the flashing taskbar - until I have selected the Teams client window.


As of 2021-05-10 666 votes and 193 comments.


Setting Teams to DND mode does not seem to solve the issue. And it also isn't really a solution. I want to get calls but not to be disturbed for new messages.

One mentioned workaround in the comments of the uservoice is to set this registry HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\CursorBlinkRate to -1. I have tested it and as expected, it doesn't work. 

My current workaround is to use a small AHK script that will activate the Teams main window and activate back the previous window and restoring the previous cursor position.
It is implemented in the Teams Shortcuts PowerTool and you can assign to it a global hotkey.

; Will activates Teams Main window and restore back to the previous window and cursor position
WinGet hcurwin
;MouseGetPos , MouseX, MouseY
MouseX := A_CaretX
MouseY := A_CaretY
; Activate Teams Main Window
hteamswin := Teams_GetMainWindow()
WinGet, MinMax , MinMax, ahk_id %hteamswin%
WinActivate, ahk_id %hteamswin%
; Restore minimize status
If (MinMax= -1)
    WinMinimize, ahk_id %hteamswin% 
; Reactivate previous window
WinActivate ahk_id %hcurwin%
; Restore cursor
Click, %MouseX%, %MouseY%
} ; eofun

See also

Allow us to turn of flashing taskbar notifications – Microsoft Teams UserVoice

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