There is one pitfall to know when sharing Confluence page links to have links robust to page renaming. Secondly how cool would it be to be able to paste a Confluence page url and have it automatically converted into a nice-looking rich-text link including the page title and related space information? I present here a solution based on AutoHotkey implemented in the NWS PowerTool IntelliPaste feature.
For this reason, I always recommend not to use the pretty link format when sharing Confluence page links.
How to share a Confluence page?
You have 3 types of links in Confluence:
- Page Title aka Pretty Format: the space and page title is contained in the url
- Link by PageId
- Tiny link: you can get it from the Share button (see screenshot below)
For this reason, I always recommend not to use the pretty link format when sharing Confluence page links.
It seems not possible to configure how URLs are displayed - see Change Confluence URL Default to use Page ID
Code / AutoHotkey implementation
I have implemented my AutoHotkey PowerTool such a feature that will convert a pretty link (not robust to renaming) to a link by page Id.
It uses a call to the Confluence API and parses the response with some RegExMatch to extract the pageId, spaceName and pageTitle information.
Code is available in ahk/Lib/Confluence.ahk -> Confluence_CleanLink() function
; link := Confluence_CleanLink(sUrl)
; link[1]: Link url
; link[2]: Link display text
; Paste link with Clip_PasteLink(link[1],link[2])
; Works for page link by title or pageId or tinyUrl
sResponse := Confluence_Get(sUrl)
sPat = s)<meta name="ajs-page-title" content="([^"]*)">.*<meta name="ajs-space-name" content="([^"]*)">.*<meta name="ajs-page-id" content="([^"]*)">
RegExMatch(sResponse, sPat, sMatch)
sLinkText := sMatch1 " | " sMatch2 " - Confluence"
sLinkText := StrReplace(sLinkText,"&","&")
RegExMatch(sUrl, "https://[^/]*", sRootUrl)
sUrl := sRootUrl "/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=" sMatch3
;MsgBox %sLinkText% %sUrl%
return [sUrl, sLinkText]
The connection to Confluence via API (Confluence_Get) requires that you have set your ConfluenceUserName (or JiraUserName) in the PowerTools Settings.
NWS PowerTool integration - IntelliPaste
The IntelliPaste feature of the NWS PowerTool makes use of this feature.
It will automatically convert a pretty Confluence URL into a Link by page Id.
Moreover the display text is also intelligent and based like this <PageName> | <SpaceName> - Confluence.
You can still edit it before inserting the nice link.
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