March 8, 2021

AutoHotkey: Modal InputBox

I have struggled to set an InputBox in AutoHotkey as modal/ always on top. Unfortunately, there is no built-in option for this. I share here my learning and final solution.

References/ Background

It is quite a common request to want an InputBox to force the user to enter or close it.
I had this bad user experience in my Teamsy Launcher, where I couldn't find the inputbox window and forgot it was already opened, having then the script hanging until you notice it and close it.

First solution: Gui +LastFound +OwnDialogs +AlwaysOnTop 

Before calling InputBox, place this line of code:
Gui +LastFound +OwnDialogs +AlwaysOnTop ; set inputbox modal

It worked fine but I have noticed following drawback:

After you close the InputBox the focus on the last active window is lost.

So I couldn't use this to run a function that required after the inputbox to get the selection of the last active window.

Second solution: Own Gui

To workaround this drawback, I have come to finally use my own GUI for a modal InputBox.

See example below:
    ButtonOK:=ButtonCancel:= false
    Gui GuiTeamsy:New,, Teamsy
    ;Gui, add, Text, ;w600, % Text
    Gui, add, Edit, w190 vTeamsyEdit
    Gui, add, Button, w60 gTeamsyOK Default, &OK
    Gui, add, Button, w60 x+10 gTeamsyHelp, &Help

    Gui +AlwaysOnTop -MinimizeBox ; no minimize button, always on top-> modal window
    Gui, Show
    while !(ButtonOK||ButtonCancel)
    if ButtonCancel {
        ErrorLevel := 1
    Gui, Submit
    ErrorLevel := 0
    return TeamsyEdit
    ButtonOK:= true
    Run, ""

    ButtonCancel:= true
    Gui, Cancel

Note: the use of -MinimizeBox to hide a minimize button and Gui +AlwaysOnTop to make the Gui "modal".

I prefer finally this solution, also because the OK button can be set as default so when you enter something in the box and hit OK it will close the window.

Alternatively one could use a timer as explained in this AutoHotkey forum post.

See also

Use Gui Owndialogs To Glue Modal Dialogs Boxes To Gui Parent Windows Autohotkey Best Practice (Jack's Blog)

Can the InputBox be always on top? - AutoHotkey Community

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