With AutoHotkey it is pretty easy to add hotkeys to run a special search engine on the current text selection.
Moreover you can remap the else useless CapsLock key for this purpose.
I present here how it can be implemented and is implemented in the NWS PowerTool.
AutoHotkey implementation
In the AutoRun section of your AutoHotkey script add :
; CapsLock processing. Must double tap CapsLock to toggle CapsLock mode on or off.
; https://www.howtogeek.com/446418/how-to-use-caps-lock-as-a-modifier-key-on-windows/
; Must double tap CapsLock to toggle CapsLock mode on or off.
CapsLock:: ; <--- Must double tap CapsLock to toggle CapsLock mode on or off.
KeyWait, CapsLock ; Wait forever until Capslock is released.
KeyWait, CapsLock, D T0.2 ; ErrorLevel = 1 if CapsLock not down within 0.2 seconds.
if ((ErrorLevel = 0) && (A_PriorKey = "CapsLock") ) ; Is a double tap on CapsLock?
SetCapsLockState, % GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") ? "Off" : "On" ; Toggle the state of CapsLock LED
This will deactivate the CapsLock key. You need now to double tap CapsLock to activate or deactivate it.
See below for examples how to then implement CapsLock modified hotkeys to trigger search engines.
This makes use of the GetSelection function in ahk/Lib/GetSelection.ahk
NWS PowerTool Implementation
Some search engines are implemented in the NWS PowerTool by modifying the CapsLock key.
Code extract of ahk/NWS.ahk
; Hotkeys with CapsLock modifier. See https://autohotkey.com/docs/Hotkeys.htm#combo
#If (PowerTools_ConnectionsRootUrl != "")
CapsLock & c:: ; <--- ConNext Global Search
sSelection:= GetSelection()
Run, https://connext.conti.de/search/web/search?query=%sSelection% ; Launch with contents of clipboard
CapsLock & d:: ; <--- Get DEFINITION of selected word.
sSelection:= GetSelection()
Run, http://www.google.com/search?q=define+%sSelection% ; Launch with contents of clipboard
CapsLock & b:: ; <--- Bing search.
sSelection:= GetSelection()
If RegExMatch(sSelection,"(.*), (.*) <(.*)>",sMatch) ; From Outlook contact
sSelection = %sMatch2% %sMatch1%#,Person ; Transform Firstname Lastname
Run, http://www.bing.com/search?q=%sSelection% ; Launch with contents of clipboard
CapsLock & g:: ; <--- GOOGLE the selected text.
sSelection:= GetSelection()
Run, http://www.google.com/search?q=%sSelection% ; Launch with contents of clipboard
;CapsLock & t:: ; <--- Do THESAURUS of selected text
;sSelection:= GetSelection()
;Run http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/%sSelection% ; Launch with contents of clipboard
CapsLock & w:: ; <--- Do WIKIPEDIA of selected text
sSelection:= GetSelection()
Run, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%sSelection% ; Launch with contents of clipboard
#If (Config = "Conti")
CapsLock & n:: ; <--- Open NWS Search or trigger NWS Search with selected text
CapsLock & y:: ; <--- YouTube search of selected text
sSelection:= GetSelection()
Run, https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%sSelection% ; Launch with contents of clipboard
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