Using the NWS PowerTool (implemented with AutoHotkey), when you intellipaste a link to a file located in a Microsoft Teams SharePoint, before the link a nice link to the Team can be displayed.
Example: Knowledge Brokers Team: General > Knowledge Broker Toolkit > Overall Introduction_Knowledge Brokers.pptx (part highlighted is a link to the Team behind the file)
I explain here how this feature works.
For this feature to work, you need to have setup PowerShell Teams functionality.
Refer to this post how to setup Teams PowerShell.
Export Teams to cache file
This is done by the function ahk/Lib/Teams.ahk->Teams_ExportTeams function.
See extract below:
Teams_ExportTeams() {
; CsvFile := Teams_ExportTeams
; returns empty if not created/ failed
If Not Teams_PowerShellCheck()
CsvFile = %A_ScriptDir%\Teams_list.csv
If FileExist(CsvFile)
FileDelete, %CsvFile%
; Create .ps1 file
PsFile = %A_Temp%\Teams_ExportTeams.ps1
; Fill the file with commands
If FileExist(PsFile)
FileDelete, %PsFile%
Domain := People_GetDomain()
If (Domain ="") {
MsgBox 0x10, Teams Shortcuts: Error, No Domain defined!
OfficeUid := People_GetMyOUid()
sText = Connect-MicrosoftTeams -AccountId %OfficeUid%@%Domain%
sText = %sText%`nGet-Team -User %OfficeUid%@%Domain% | Select DisplayName, MailNickName, GroupId, Description | Export-Csv -Path %CsvFile% -NoTypeInformation
FileAppend, %sText%,%PsFile%
; Run it;RunWait, PowerShell.exe -NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command %PsFile% ;,, Hide
RunWait, PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command %PsFile% ,, Hide
return CsvFile
This function is explained in more details in this previous post Get team name from sharepoint url
Refreshing Teams Export
For runtime optimization, this isn't done each time but only on a user manual action.
You can refresh the Teams Export file via the Menu in the PowerTool Systray Icon (right-mouse click on the system icon) Settings->IntelliPaste->Refresh...
Getting link to the Team behind
In ahk/Lib/IntelliPaste.ahk->IntelliHtml function, extract below:
If RegExMatch(sInput,"/teams/(team_[^/]*)/",sMatch) {
CsvFile = %A_ScriptDir%\Teams_list.csv
If !FileExist(CsvFile) {
CsvFile := Teams_ExportTeams() ; requires PowerShell
If (CsvFile = "")
Goto, Cont1
MailNickName := sMatch1
TeamName := ReadCsv(CsvFile,"MailNickName",MailNickName,"DisplayName")
If Not (TeamName = "") {
GroupId := ReadCsv(CsvFile,"MailNickName",MailNickName,"GroupId")
TeamLink =
sHtml = <a href="%TeamLink%">%TeamName% Team</a>: %sHtml%
From the GroupId of a Team you can get a link to it built like this:
TeamLink =
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