It is not so easy in AutoHotkey to use a custom Message Box with customized Text on the Buttons or as many buttons as wished.
I present here 2 approaches and share some code.
Tweaking MsgBox
Using a Timer
As explained in the MsgBox Help page (
the name of the buttons can be changed by following this example based on a timer:
Using OnMessage
(I don't remember where I have found this.)
OnMessage(0x44, "OnTocStyleMsgBox")
MsgBox 0x23, Toc Style, Select your Table of Content style:
OnMessage(0x44, "")
sTocStyle = bullet-white ; Default
IfMsgBox, No
sTocStyle = none-yellow
IfMsgBox, Cancel
sTocStyle = num-white
Add the function:
OnTocStyleMsgBox() {
DetectHiddenWindows, On
Process, Exist
If (WinExist("ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid " . ErrorLevel)) {
ControlSetText Button1, bullet-white
ControlSetText Button2, none-yellow
ControlSetText Button3, num-white
Using Gui Button
In this forum enty ( you can find some nice code for Custom Boxes.
The interesting one here is the BtnBox function.
I have modified it to add a Default parameter for preselecting a button.
See code below also available in GitHub ahk/lib
ButtonBox(Title := "", Prompt := "", List := "", Seconds := "",Def:=1) {
; show a custom MsgBox with arbitrarily named buttons
; return the text of the button pressed.
; If Timeout returns "Timeout". If Cancelled or Closed, returns "ButtonBox_Cancel"
; Title is the title for the GUI
; Prompt is the text to display
; List is a pipe delimited list of captions for the buttons
; Seconds is the time in seconds to wait before timing out. Leave blank to wait indefinitely
; create GUI
Gui, ButtonBox: New,, %Title%
Gui, -MinimizeBox
Gui, Margin, 30, 18
Gui, Add, Text,, %Prompt%
Loop, Parse, List, |
If (A_Index = Def)
Gui, Add, Button, % (A_Index = 1 ? "" : "x+10") " gBtn Default" , %A_LoopField%
Gui, Add, Button, % (A_Index = 1 ? "" : "x+10") " gBtn", %A_LoopField%
Gui, Show
; main wait loop
Gui, +LastFound
WinWaitClose,,, %Seconds%
if (ErrorLevel = 1) {
Result := "TimeOut"
Gui, Destroy
return Result
; event handlers
Btn: ; all the buttons come here
Result := A_GuiControl
Gui, Destroy
ButtonBoxGuiClose: ; {Alt+F4} pressed, [X] clicked
ButtonBoxGuiEscape: ; {Esc} pressed
Result := "ButtonBox_Cancel"
Gui, Destroy
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