May 19, 2023

How to synchronize Google Photos with Nixplay digital frame

Nixplay has changed its plan so that now you are limited to 100 pictures that can be dynamically synced from a Google Album.
I share here the workaround I use to bypass this limit. 

Create a Google Album for Nixplay

We use this Google Album to be synced dynamically to the Nixplay frame.
I have named this Album "Nixplay (max 100)" and it is shared with my family members so everyone can push photos to our Nixplay Frame using it.

Transfer Photos in the Album to the Frame

When the 100 mx limit is reached, it is time to transfer the photos from the Google Album to the Frame local storage.

I do this by using Google Drive as intermediary storage location.

Download photos from album on your PC

In you Nixplay Google Album front page, click on the 3 horizontal dots and select "Download all"
This will download a zip file containing all the photos in the album.

Upload to Google Drive

Extract the zip to a folder (I do this on the PC because I can't do this on my tablet/mobile app)
Upload the folder containing the image files to your Google Drive.

From Tablet/ Mobile 

Download pictures from Google Drive folder

Unfortunately it seems not possible to download the whole folder.
N.B.: You need to scroll down to the bottom of the folder to be able to select all pictures.
Unfortunately the destination folder can not be selected: it will be downloaded in the default Download folder. Therefore I recommend cleaning the folder before downloading.

Upload pictures to frame

Using the Nixplay app.

Unfortunately you will have to select each photo one by one to upload to the frame.

Clean up 

Files on the Tablet/Mobiles

Once uploaded to the frame, you can delete the images in the Download folder.

Google Album

Remove then the pictures from the Nixplay Google Album
On your PC from the Browser you can move them to another Google Album for documenting the pictures synced to Nixplay frame.

To move you need to select all and add to the other album. Then delete from the Album.

Select the first picture in the album. Press the shift key and click on the last picture. (This will select all the pictures in the album.) [I don't know another way to do this and it is only possible in the Browser, not in the mobile Google Photos app, unfortunately.]

Click "Add to" e.g. Album 'Nixplay Uploaded'
N.B.: If the Album does not appear on the list, you need to view it so that Google understands it is a recently viewed one and appears on the top. (I couldn't find a way to search an album by name.)

Remove from Album 

Select all as explained above holding the Shift key.
(You need to be logged-in with the account that owns the Album to do so)

Google Drive

Optionally, you can delete the temporary folder used to share the pictures to save storage.

You can repeat this manual procedure until the local storage of your frame is full.

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