I got this question "How to run the Teamsy PowerTool for Microsoft Teams from the Stream Deck using the command line". I had myself to look deeper at it and learned some stuff I share in this post.
How to run the Teamsy PowerTool for Microsoft Teams from the Stream Deck using the command line?
Teamsy.ahk Source code
If (A_Args.Length() = 0) {
PowerTools_Help("Teamsy") ; open help page
TrayTip, Teamsy, See help. Script shall not be run standalone!
; Tooltip
If !a_iscompiled
FileGetTime, LastMod , %A_ScriptFullPath%
LastMod := LastCompiled
FormatTime LastMod, %LastMod% D1 R
sTooltip = Teamsy %LastMod%`nRight-Click on icon to access help/support.
Menu, Tray, Tip, %sTooltip%
} ; end icon tray
If (A_Args.Length() > 0)
To run the source ahk file via command line, you need to call the AHK.exe before the .ahk script as explained in the documentation, for example like this:
C:\Users\thierry.dalon\PortableApps\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkeyU64.exe C:\GitHub\ahk\Teamsy.ahk mu
Calling the .ahk file directly like this doesn't work
C:\GitHub\ahk\Teamsy.ahk mu
The argument is not passed.
But calling a compiled script from the command directly with arguments like this, works:
C:\GitHub\ahk\PowerTools\Teamsy.exe mu
If you have spaces in the path you need to put the path between quotes "
For the argument, you don't have to use quotes.
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